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solar power plant "Full construction" for home and "green" tariff

Solar power plants from world brands and reliable fastening systems

Green tariff solar power plants can be adapted to your requirements, ground, trekker, roof or combined
Our advantages
Client support and documentation
Client support and documentation
Staff of design engineers
Staff of design engineers
Qualified construction and installation team
Qualified construction and installation team
Reliable fastening systems ТМ Krepmetal
Reliable fastening systems ТМ Krepmetal
Service maintenance
Service maintenance
Quality assurance of work performed
Quality assurance of work performed
To install a solar power plant under the “green tariff”, you must:
Presence of a residential building on the site
Presence of a direct contract with Oblenergo
Land title documents

subject to the installation of a solar power plant on the site

Individuals do NOT need:

obtaining licenses/permits; opening a private enterprise for the sale of electricity to the network; opening separate bank accounts to receive payments under the "green tariff"

Solar power plant green tariff
We provide calculations that take into account ALL costs. We make a generation forecast based on real data.
“Green” tariff is profitable

“Green” tariff is a special tariff at which the state is obliged by law to buy from individuals and enterprises electricity produced using renewable energy sources.

In Ukraine, the feed-in tariff for individuals is set at a higher level than for industrial solar power plants, has a fixed amount and is guaranteed to be paid by the state based on the provisions of the Law “On Alternative Energy Sources”. Therefore, a solar power plant for a house under a feed-in tariff is a very profitable investment.

Solar batteries under green tariff
Green tariff rates for private households
Green tariff rates for private households
The available maximum power of solar power plants is up to 30 kW. The feed-in tariff rate is pegged to the euro exchange rate. For private solar power plants with an installed capacity of up to 30 kW, the "green" tariff will be:

Year of commissioning:

  • until December 31, 2019 – 0.1810 Euro per 1 kW;
  • from 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2024 – 0.1626 Euro per 1 kW;
  • from 01/01/2025 to 12/31/2029 – 0.1449 Euro per 1 kW.
Green tariff rates for legal entities
Green tariff rates for legal entities
"Green" tariff for industrial solar power plants located on the roof

Year of commissioning:

  • until December 31, 2019 – 0.163 Euro per 1 kW;
  • until December 31, 2019 – 0.163 Euro per 1 kW;
  • from 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 – 0.118 Euro per 1 kW;
  • from 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022 – 0.115 Euro per 1 kW;
  • from 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2024 – 0.110 Euro per 1 kW;
  • from 01/01/2025 to 12/31/2029 – 0.107 Euro per 1 kW;
Calculator of profit of a private solar power plant at a "green" tariff

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$ Сэкономлено

$ Прибыль




































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Показатели* за год

Выработано энергии:

42 мВт

42 мВт

Продано энергии:

36 мВт

36 мВт




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* Все расчеты являются ориентировочными и приведены исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Суммы в долларах указаны в рекламных целях

Watch your solar power plant online
SES for home
Solar power plant for home
SES for a turnkey home
Benefits of working with us
An experience
An experience
More than 7 years: our company stood at the origins of the development of the installation of private solar power plants in Ukraine
Maximum efficiency and declared payback of our solar power plants
High-class equipment of famous brands for the installation of solar power plants, warranty from the manufacturer
A responsibility
A responsibility
Final payment only after completion of all work, technical support and online monitoring of your solar power plant after installation
In our commercial offers, we show a reasonable fair price and do not hide half of the price under *asterisks* or small print
Qualified personnel and specially trained engineers: we lead the client from A to Z in compliance with all legislative and technical standards
Работы для дома
домашняя СЭС, фото
Днепропетровская обл.
48 кВт
Крыша, солнечная станция, фото
Днепропетровская обл.
35,6 кВт
Панели солнечные
Днепропетровская обл.
91 кВт
Установленная СЭС для дома
34,5 кВт

What is a
green tariff

The green tariff for individuals is a financial regulation that allows owners of private solar power plants to sell excess solar energy. The main advantage of the tariff is that the cost of green kW is 6 times higher than the traditional one. The benefit of solar power plants owners becomes obvious, in addition to their own production and use of energy for their own needs, you can earn money by selling surplus.

Many do not understand why this is happening, the state buys energy from private individuals at the same price, and sells it much cheaper. This is specifically provided for the development of renewable energy, as one of the conditions for the course of integration with the EU. So Ukraine will be able to quickly catch up with European countries that have been using renewable energy sources for many years.

Anyone can buy a solar power plant for a home in Ukraine, this does not require a license. The program is fully regulated at the state level, moreover, it is supported by international organizations.

How to apply for a green tariff for individuals

Connection to the green tariff consists of 4 stages of registration, for this you need:

1) Conclude new agreements with RES and energy supplier

Since the introduction of the electricity market, the enterprises have been divided and perform different functions. With RES it is necessary to conclude an agreement on the division of energy, and with an energy supplier on consumption.

Some have already signed contracts with RES, it is necessary to draw up a new agreement only if the previous one was drawn up before 2019.

To draw up an agreement with the RES, you need:

It does not take much time, on average 1-2 days. After that, an agreement is drawn up with the energy supplier. You will need the previous package of documents plus an agreement with the RES. The signing of the contract with the energy supplier also takes 1-2 days.

2) Submit documents to the oblenergo

If previous contracts can be concluded before the solar station for the house is installed, then starting from the second stage after installation or a few days before the end of all work.

2 packages of documents are required:

For the second package you will need:

3) Install a bidirectional counter

First, the meter must go through the parameterization procedure in the RES. The service costs up to 800 UAH, it is needed in order to configure the device specifically for the “green tariff”.

The RES representatives should then come and inspect your plant to make sure everything is installed according to the rules and international standards. The second time the RES representative comes to install the meter.

And only after that the solar power plant for the house can be started. At this stage, you will not yet receive cash for energy, but it will be taken into account from the very beginning of the launch.

4) Submit documents to the energy supplier

The package of documents includes all the same ones that were required for registration with the oblenergo, as well as an agreement with the energy supplier and a certificate from the oblenergo about installing a meter.

Then they draw up an application for registration of the green tariff agreement. Standard contract preparation time is 1-2 weeks. After that, you need to come back to the supplier’s office and sign the contract.

This completes the registration of the green tariff, and next month you will be credited with the first payment. All 4 stages of registration take 1-2 months, and despite the fact that you will have to visit several government agencies, it is quite possible to do it all alone, especially if you have free time.

If walking around the offices makes you terrified or you cannot allocate extra days or even hours for paperwork, then we offer a green tariff turnkey service. To do this, you need a basic package of documents and a power of attorney for the representative of the company.

Our state specifically stimulates the development of alternative sources of electricity, therefore it is directly interested in more and more individuals applying for a green tariff.

The law guarantees the green tariff until 2030, after which changes will be made to the operation of power plants launched after 2030.

By 2030, every station launched before 2025 will pay for itself and make a profit. Accordingly, the earlier solar power plants are installed under the green tariff, the more profit the owners will receive.

Law on the Green Tariff

The green tariff for solar energy has been in effect since 2009 and is needed to stimulate the development of alternative energy. Power plant owners benefit from the use and sale of green energy, make it more popular, taking a share from the traditional “dirty” way of generating electricity.

The green tariff will be valid until December 31, 2030.

Solar stations under the green tariff for individuals are available provided that the power of the equipment is not more than 30 kW. You do not need to obtain a license or other additional documents.

Photovoltaic modules (devices that convert sunlight) must meet the following requirements:

Owners of production will be able to sell electricity under the following conditions:

It is difficult to predict changes in Ukrainian legislation, but we can safely talk about good prospects in the renewable energy segment. The signed Association Agreement with the EU specifies additional obligations that will ensure the integration of the state energy and electricity systems into the European grid.

This ensures that the alternative energy industry will continue to be stimulated and supported in the future.

Green tariff rates

As noted above, the Green Tariff will be valid until 2030, while there is a schedule for reducing the price of one kilowatt. This will reduce the income of producers, but such conditions are created specifically to speed up the installation of solar panels. The sooner SES are installed, the more income the owner will receive in total.

Therefore, if you are determined to install solar panels under the green tariff, then it is better not to delay this process and start selling energy at higher prices than planned in the future.

Payback periods for solar power plants

Favorable conditions have now been created in the country for the purchase and installation of solar power plants. Those who have a well-developed professional flair have long installed or are installing stations in order to be guaranteed to receive income for the next decade, while helping to develop a promising area for Ukraine and contribute to improving the environmental situation.

However, it is important not just to buy and install, but to correctly calculate the feed-in tariff for a private house and select the appropriate components. In some cases, even with good equipment, the owner does not receive the planned income due to installation errors or improperly selected modules.

If the station is installed correctly, then even with a lower power, it will produce more annual generation than a station of higher power, but mounted with errors.

The correct and correct operation of SES for several decades is possible only if the following conditions are met:

We offer ready-made solar power plants for the home.

The specialists of our company have many years of experience in installing solar power plants both in production and for private owners.

We guarantee careful observance of all norms, from calculations to monitoring the operation of the station.

We appreciate our clients, we appreciate the desire to help in the development of alternative energy and, in turn, help to get the most income from the use of solar power plants.

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